A Well-Positioned Workforce
From cradle to career, our community thrives on opportunities to advance themselves, their families, and our city. Learn how you can support talent development programs and connect with skilled workers at any level to help you meet your goals.
Campus Greensboro
A campus-to-community guide for college students learning and living in Greensboro.
Learn moreBoomerang Greensboro
An outreach movement to attract Greensboro natives back to the area for work and play.
Learn moreGuilford Apprenticeship Partners (GAP)
A paid intern experience made possible through businesses, Guilford County Schools and Guilford Technical Community College.
Learn moresynerG
An active network for young professionals interested in leadership development and advocacy.
Learn moreLeadership Greensboro
A three-part development program that uses education, volunteer leadership and alumni engagement to equip tomorrow’s leaders.
Learn moreOther Voices
A leadership program for diversity and inclusion which brings together voices from all walks of life to effect positive change.
Learn moreMentorship
A reimagined take on mentorship that rewards and recognizes both experienced leaders and new employees in a safe space.
Learn moreimpact.
A one-day leadership conference directly engaging Greensboro to develop and grow impactful leaders committed to inclusivity, collaboration, and positive change.
Learn moreAccelerate Greensboro
A program designed to connect minority-owned suppliers with companies in need of their services and contribute to the economic vitality of the region.
Learn more
Talent Toolkit
Are you taking advantage of everything Greensboro has to offer your employees? Our community resource guide is packed full of information on how you can welcome relocated employees, foster relationships with the company, nurture new hires, energize existing teams, fuel your leadership initiatives, and flex your business practices in Greensboro.