The Greensboro Chamber of Commerce is the largest business organization in the community serving more than 1,300 member businesses through programming designed to help them succeed and grow. A partner in the Guilford County Economic Development Alliance, the Chamber also serves as Greensboro’s primary economic development organization, with special emphasis placed on community and entrepreneurial advancement through Action Greensboro and Launch Greensboro.
In 2022, the Greensboro Chamber became 5-Star Accredited by the US Chamber of Commerce making the organization in the top 2% of chambers nationwide.
Our Values
Greensboro Chamber’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy
The Greensboro Chamber of Commerce acknowledges that diversity, equity, and inclusion are vital to the thriving community we seek to know and grow here in Greensboro.
Click here to read our DEI Policy
Where to Find Us

111 W. February One Place
Greensboro NC 27401
(336) 387-8301

111 Bain Street
Greensboro, NC 27406
(336) 265-3331

122 N. Elm Street, Suite 110
Greensboro, NC 27401
(336) 379-0821

GROW Campaign 2023-2027
Our community grows when our people do.

Annual Reports
Want to know more about what we’ve been up to lately? Read our Annual Reports below.
Healthcare Coverage: Transparency in Coverage regulation requires self-funded employers to publish the link on a public site. To access the machine-readable files created and published by UnitedHealthcare, please click here.