Strategic Action for a Stronger Economy
See our investors who make our work possible.GOAL MET
7,500 New Jobs
$700M Capital Investment
Chronically Vacant Positions
$10M New Minority Business Revenue
400 New Companies Created
The work we do relies on many community partners:
Arts Greensboro | Bennett College | Bicycling in Greensboro | The Cemala Foundation | Center for Creative Leadership | City of Greensboro | City of High Point | Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro | Cone Health Foundation | Downtown Greensboro, Inc. | East Greensboro NOW | Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina | Elon Law School | Elon University | Greensboro College | Greensboro Downtown Parks, Inc. | Greensboro Jaycees | Greensboro Regional Realtors Association | Guilford Technical Community College | GTCC Small Business Center | Guilford College | Guilford County | Guilford County Economic Development Alliance | Guilford County Schools | Guilford Education Alliance | Guilford County Workforce Development Board | High Point Economic Development Corporation | High Point University | North Carolina A&T State University | North Carolina Chamber | North Carolina Railroad Company | Nussbaum Center of Entrepreneurship | Phillips Foundation | Piedmont Business Capital | Piedmont Triad Airport Authority | Piedmont Triad Partnership | Randolph County EDC | Ready for School, Ready for Life | SCORE | shift_ed | Small Business & Technology Development Center (SBTDC) | Tannenbaum-Sternberger Foundation | The Forge | The Joseph M. Bryan Foundation of Greensboro | Transform GSO | Transit Alliance of the Piedmont | Triad Workforce Solutions Collaborative | Union Square Campus | University of North Carolina Greensboro | UNCG – NC Entrepreneurship Center | US Chamber of Commerce | US Small Business Administration
Create Quality Jobs
Develop and implement a collaborative strategy for recruitment, retention and expansion of businesses in targeted industries, as well as planning for future buildings and sites for targeted growth. Primary focus on jobs that pay above Guilford County average wage.
A. Collaborate with the Guilford County Economic Development Alliance to recruit new business and industry in the following targeted sectors:
- Advanced manufacturing (i.e.: high-skill, high-tech)
- Arts & design
- Aviation
- Furniture
- Life sciences
- Specialized business services (i.e. corporate headquarters, IT, etc.)
- Supply chain & logistics
B. Drive retention and expansion of existing businesses
- Conduct annual industrial/business needs assessments among existing businesses and identify workforce, public policy, and infrastructure needs affecting growth
- Expand the Manufacturer’s Council to include representatives from all targeted industries and collaborate with neighboring effort
- Establish a rapid response team to address urgent needs of local business and industry
C. Increase site and building inventory in Guilford County
- Work with local developers to assess future needs
- Focus new development on underserved/underdeveloped areas and corridors,e.g. East Greensboro
- Encourage speculative growth where appropriate and necessary with local and state government officials
- Market available inventory to increase national and global visibility
Talent & Workforce Development
Expand and enhance the workforce in Greensboro and Guilford County through talent and community development
A. Develop and implement a “prenatal to career” workforce and talent development strategy
- Support Pre K-14/early childhood education alignment by partnering with regional education initiatives
- Coordinate skillset alignment with targeted industries/Career Technical Education (CTE) with a focus on career pathways and degree attainment
- Support higher education collaboration and graduating student retention efforts with the goal to attract and retain young professionals
- Develop future leaders through curated programming
- Support workforce engagement efforts to include returning veterans
- Develop awareness as pro-manufacturing workforce
B. Work to develop key community amenities that are attractive to a 21st century workforce
- Develop innovative initiatives to engage the community through advocacy and volunteerism, i.e. successful retirees as community ambassadors
- Maximize new strategies to grow and revitalize downtown Greensboro
- Leverage our strengths through projects and activities promoting green spaces, arts and culture, and bi-ped activities
Starting And Growing Our Own
Focus on entrepreneurship and small business development to expand the culture of inclusive innovation throughout Greensboro and Guilford County
A. Drive entrepreneurship
- Develop new sources of capital funding for entrepreneurs
- Cultivate mentors and c-suite leaders to support new companies/entrepreneurs
- Connect entrepreneurs with resources and relationships
- Foster higher education partnerships to aggressively develop campus programs and student entrepreneurs
- Support emerging growth businesses through connections to capital and capacity
B. Accelerate small business development
- Develop and deliver outcome-driven education that supports growth of small businesses
- Increase economic equity throughout Greensboro by focusing on minority business
development - Identify and address systemic barriers to small business development
- Expand existing resources that contribute to a vibrant business community
C. Advocate for pro-business policy solutions
- Leverage relationship to provide advocacy for regulatory, permitting, compliance issues, etc.
- Develop policy advocacy strategy for state and local business issues
- Identify large-scale hurdles affecting business development
Marketing & Communications
Create a shared and inclusive vision for Greensboro that will engage, inspire, and excite the entire community
A. Enhance the Greensboro brand identity
- Work with community partners to develop a compelling and distinctive character that is unique to Greensboro with a focus on a consistent message
- Ensure that Greensboro’s brand is strategically aligned with the regional brand conceived by GCEDA
- Collaborate with existing business and industry to enhance Greensboro’s new brand identity and spread good news through both in-person and digital channels
B. Tell our story
- Embrace new technology and innovations (social media) in our communication strategy
- Encourage community pride and investment in order to cultivate advocates both locally and globally
C. Ensure shareholders are engaged in and regularly updated on progress.
- Send semi-annual shareholder reports
- Host annual shareholder meetings to address progress, barriers, etc.