Greensboro Annual Business celebration

Get Engaged

The Greensboro Chamber of Commerce is the largest business organization in the community, serving more than 1,350 member businesses through programming designed to help them succeed and grow. A partner in the Guilford County Economic Development Alliance, the Chamber also serves as Greensboro’s primary economic development organization, with special emphasis on community and entrepreneurial advancement through Action Greensboro and Launch Greensboro. Take advantage of your membership by participating in one of the opportunities below.

Make Connections

As our region grows, our Chamber community is where the connections are made.

Learn more

Networking Opportunities

Share Your News

Using GrowthZone

GrowthZone is our member information center that allows you to post jobs, special promotions and calendar events to our website. Make sure to add logos, descriptions and social media handles for your company! You should have received an email from your Chamber representative that prompted you to set up your login.

To get log-in information, please email your Member Engagement Specialist.

We also have an online tutorial you can access any time.

Log in to GrowthZone

Circle of Champions


We know and grow Greensboro.