Triad Math and Science Academy

Member Spotlight

Triad Math and Science Academy


Triad Math and Science Academy (TMSA) is a public charter school, situated between Green Haven and Spring Valley communities in Greensboro. Our upper campus serves a little over 700 students from grades 6-12. Our mission is activated through STEAM-focused academics, character education, social-emotional learning, and strong family support. TMSA prepares students to succeed in careers and thrive as leaders in our diverse and technology-based society.


The TMSA is committed to providing high quality and enriching educational experience that targets 21st-century skills for elementary, middle, and high school students in North Carolina. As a result, students will be equipped with strong core knowledge and higher-order skills, including critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, effective communication, and collaboration skills. To fulfill its mission, the TMSA implements well-defined curriculum, supported by research and with a strong emphasis on science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, builds strong school-family-community partnerships, creates a safe, nurturing, engaging, caring and culturally-responsive learning environment, and facilitates strong teacher-student relationships.

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