Why LG?
Why You Should Become A Part Of This Unique Experience
CCL – Leadership Greensboro began a meaningful partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) in 2016. Our content includes leadership development programs from the Center for Creative Leadership as part of the standard curriculum. Participants complete a three-day intensive on-site at CCL with resources, analysis, and training led by their award-winning staff.
Community Focus – Members immerse themselves in a leadership program unique to our community and become actively involved in making the community an even better place to live.
Lifelong Connections – Leadership Greensboro classes join a strong alumni network of graduates since 1976 who use the skills learned in Leadership Greensboro to revolutionize their workplaces and networks.
Enhanced Personal Network – Members are able to build their personal network with class members and local leaders diverse in every way including industry, profession, race, gender, age, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation. The diversity also leads to a richer experience during the class.