Women to Women

Member Spotlight

W2W Women to Women


Women to Women is a permanent grant making endowment at the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro dedicated to empowering women and children to create healthy families and vibrant communities in Guilford County. Each year we award high impact grants to programs, organizations, and projects that create a positive and measurable impact on women, their families, and their futures. Since 2010, we have granted over $1,400,000 to more than 50 programs transforming the lives of women and girls and improving the wellbeing of our entire community.


W2W is founded through the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro by four women who wanted to support women and children in Guilford County; Louise Brady, Lisa Bullock, Ann Lineweaver, and Linda Sloan. We believe that every woman and girl has the right to a life that is safe, and financially secure with an opportunity for a brighter future. Our focus is on Guilford County because sustainable social change begins on the local level. Stronger women and girls build stronger families; stronger families build stronger communities.


Some of our programming throughout the pandemic has included our Women to Women Week, which focused on “Championing Women Entrepreneurs of Greensboro,” and we put together a list of women-owned businesses to hopefully help drive business that day and throughout that weekend. We hope that by shining a light on the magnitude of local female-owned businesses across all industries we can collectively support these businesses not just today but every day!

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