10,000 Greensboro Employees Thrive in Family Forward NC Certified Workplaces

July 16, 2024

Greensboro, NC – July 16, 2024 – Action Greensboro and the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce are proud to report a significant milestone in our commitment to supporting families: More than 10,000 employees in the Greater Greensboro community work for companies that are Family Forward NC ® Certified Employers. This achievement underscores Greensboro’s dedication to fostering a work environment that prioritizes the well-being of employees and their families.

The Family Forward NC certification recognizes companies that go above and beyond to provide family-friendly policies and practices. These policies include:

  • Flexible work arrangements
  • Parental leave policies
  • Childcare support or subsidies
  • Wellness programs
  • Health benefits
  • Tuition assistance programs

“Reaching 10,000 employees is a validation of the growing number of businesses in Greensboro that understand the importance of investing in their employees’ well-being,” says Cecelia Thompson, executive director of Action Greensboro. “These companies are not only creating a more supportive and inclusive workplace, but also contribute to a stronger and more resilient community.”

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) cited a recent survey that said the top three reasons people leave a job are lack of career opportunities/development, health and family issues, and work/life imbalance. This trifecta of answers underscores the importance of family-friendly policies in attracting and retaining top talent.

Mike Gillis, partner and CEO of DMJPS PLLC, said being a Family Forward NC certified employer will make it easier to recruit new talent in a tight labor market.

“My generation was in the office every day, wearing a suit and tie and cranking out work,” Gillis says. “Recruiting great young professionals and retaining them can be challenging — they saw everything our generation gave up for a job; and they don’t want to do the same thing. This certification is a testament to our commitment to creating a workplace where employees feel valued and supported, personally and professionally.”

Looking ahead, Action Greensboro has set an ambitious goal of having 85,000 employees working for Family Forward NC certified employers by 2025.

“This milestone of 10,000 employees is just the beginning,” Thompson says. “We’re creating a new normal in Greensboro, where ‘family-friendly’ isn’t just a buzzword, but a fundamental aspect of our work culture. We hope to inspire other communities in North Carolina to follow our lead and prioritize the well-being of working families everywhere.”

To learn about certified employers, new family friendly workplace resources, and trends in these workplace benefits, follow Family Forward NC on LinkedIn.

About Action Greensboro

Action Greensboro, together with the Chamber of Commerce, serves as the city’s primary economic and community development group. Formed in 2001, Action Greensboro is comprised of eight local charitable foundations. In collaboration with business, higher education, and municipal government, Action Greensboro works to strengthen Greensboro’s economy and ensure the continuation of its excellent quality of life.

About Family Forward NC

Family Forward NC improves children’s health and well-being and keeps North Carolina’s businesses competitive by inspiring employer-led change to increase access to research-based, family-friendly practices — big and small — that improve workplace productivity, recruitment and retention; grow a strong economy; and support children’s healthy development. To date, Family Forward NC has engaged with more than 9,500 employers across North Carolina.

Family Forward Certified Employers receive access to exclusive programming to support their continued journey toward becoming family-friendly workplaces, along with marketing materials to help them promote their certification and an employee assessment of current policies and practices. Certified employers are also listed as part of the online Family Forward NC Employer Directory.

Want to learn more?

Read our Certification Overview
Apply to become certified!
Check out our directory of certified employers to learn more about their policies and practices.

We know and grow Greensboro.